I am currently doing some preparation for
*syantek x theme black & white?
mr.daRl said that he still wants
the feeling of engagement
*kunun je kamu tu!
For me, it's fine but
u noe that,
org ckp tyme engage ni byk sgt dugaannya
*x engage pun byk dugaan jgk
Erm tapi iye la, dIa xkan test kite
kalau kite xkuat kn...
Dugaan dan cabaran tu kan parts of life,
everyone will face it
d differences is juz on how we handle that,
how to manage the things...
hOkeh,berbalik pada story td,
miss daff ckp ngn dia klu da together2 da lama
xpyh la nk tunang2,
kos pun bley jimat wat?hikhik..
but he still wif his stands,
nak jugak engage2
p/s: hope everything will b fine =))
mr.daRl said that he still wants
the feeling of engagement
*kunun je kamu tu!
For me, it's fine but
u noe that,
org ckp tyme engage ni byk sgt dugaannya
*x engage pun byk dugaan jgk
Erm tapi iye la, dIa xkan test kite
kalau kite xkuat kn...
Dugaan dan cabaran tu kan parts of life,
everyone will face it
d differences is juz on how we handle that,
how to manage the things...
hOkeh,berbalik pada story td,
miss daff ckp ngn dia klu da together2 da lama
xpyh la nk tunang2,
kos pun bley jimat wat?hikhik..
but he still wif his stands,
nak jugak engage2
p/s: hope everything will b fine =))
6 orang bagi komen beliau:
hek eleh..u nak tunang ke gimik gak nih?kalu u yang nak tunang, u xjempot i memg u nak kene sembelih ahh..haha
yani mao tunang ke?
bile? bile?
buat kat mane??
kalo kat ulu gali bole pegi....
are u sure????!!!
uish bkn miss daff la yg nk engage ni,my bro nk kawin,so i juz give hands preparing for his gifts je..
tapi klu btul:
wani:hehe klu i jemput u x dtg how???
oshinz: not so sure la sis huhuh...
koko:hehe aah koko bley dtg sbb dkt kn..
hehe..ala tu la u kene btaw i awal..i kene arrange baeikkk nye..hik3..teringin weh nak pegi kawan tunang n kawen..haha..eh tapi kalu xdapat p pon u da btaw tu appreciate gila ohh..haha
wani: hek eleh,u musti kena dtg..
bwk mr.P skli eh hehe
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